vrijdag 29 januari 2016

California, by Will Darbyshire

I don't know whether Will Darbyshire once does not make beautiful videos, but up until now, all of his videos are so beautiful and inspiring. Seriously, all of them. Watch them, and you'll instantly feel the urge to go somewhere, to do something. This one brings back memories, because of the fact all of it was filmed in California. And I've been in California and it is so BEAUTIFUL. 

It's just, I don't know. If you live in a country like the Netherlands, the United States are some kind of wonderland. There are so many different things to see. I've been to most of the West Coast, but California was my favorite state. It's just a little different from the other states. I guess it is more free, and I like that. 

What I am trying to say (and I know I am failing in it) is that you just need to watch this video and all of his other videos. You'll feel great. 

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