woensdag 16 september 2015

How to relax and let things go

One thing I sometimes find extremely difficult is to relax, let things go and not worry about anything. It's really hard for me, but I've found some ways to relax a bit more. I wouldn't say I am completely relaxed and I don't think about anything at all, but it's a beginning, and you have to start somewhere. 

I've had a period in my life where sleeping was something I did not want to do, because of the fact that I would lay in bed and start worrying, and that always resulted do laying awake for about 4 hours, untill I would hopefully finally fall to sleep. I don't think people need to worry that much, because it doesn't solve anything, the only thing you do is make yourself more and more nervous about a certain thing to do or to find out. 

Sometimes just let it go. Relax, it will be okay. Worrying won't solve the problem you have, so why do it ? I've made a list with some things I like to use to relax, especially at night after a long day of school/work. 

- Take a shower after you did the things you needed to do. Lavendar soap helps relax your muscles a lot, and the smell makes you feel a lot calmer. 
- Read a book ! Maybe you don't like reading books, then read a magazine. Before you want to go to sleep, read for a minimum of 15 minutes and I will assure you that that helps.
- Write down your feelings or what you are worrying about ! It helps to take a good look at the situation you're in and maybe you'll find a way to solve your problem, or you just like to write.
- Put away your electronic devices, especially before you want to go to sleep. The light these things give can make your body think it's day and will want to stay awake, even when you don't want to.

I hope my tips will help you a little bit !


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